How to Cure Tinnitus Naturally

A person with long, dark hair is wearing a plaid shirt with pink and white colors. The person is raising one hand while the other hand is placed on the forehead. The background is blurred, showing an outdoor setting with greenery.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a sound only you can hear, and it can be really annoying. It can happen for different reasons, like being around loud noises, having an ear infection, or just getting older. Even though there’s no cure for tinnitus yet, there are ways to make it feel better and […]

Swimmer’s Ear

an image of a swimmer in a pool

Swimmer’s ear is an infection in the ear canal. It happens when water gets trapped inside. This moisture makes it easy for germs to grow. People with swimmer’s ear might feel itching, redness, or pain. It is common in people who swim a lot, but anyone can get it. At Brant Audiology in Cheyenne, WY, […]

Diabetes and Hearing Loss: Dr. Yung Takes a Deeper Look!

I am happy to return to Audiology and be back in the Torrington clinic with Torry after my maternity leave the past few months. Believe it or not, my labor started on December 8, 2022, while I was at my computer ordering hearing aids for a patient! A few hours later we welcomed Henry Ryan […]

Tips for talking to your partner about hearing loss

Living with someone who can’t hear can be frustrating, especially when they are unaware of the problem. If they constantly ask you to repeat yourself, turn up the volume on the television to an uncomfortable level, or have trouble hearing the telephone, microwave or doorbell chime, it might be time to have a heart-to-heart chat. […]